Sunday, November 7, 2010

Mission Accomplished.

Five happens to be my favorite number, with twenty-three following right behind (since 2 + 3 = 5), so you can only imagine how thrilled I was to discover that my Texas fightin’ Aggies are officially ranked 23rd in football after we totally BTHO outta OU last night. :)  Terbs and I already knew we had made the right decision transferring from the Norm to Aggieland, but we always appreciate the extra reminder so thanks for that Oklahoma.  It was not only the first game Terbs and I attended together but it was also my very first football game of the season and I can’t help but think my Aggies pulled through just for me ;) It was wonderful being able to hang out with old Sooner friends and new Aggie friends all together and I look forward to our next reunion.  Terbs and I decided we are going to make the treacherous drive back to Indian territory next semester to be reunited with some of our favorite food….oh yea and favorite friends, so prepare yourselves Sooners! Haha  In other news, my adorable roomies Courtney and Amy put up our first Holiday decorations today so Operation Winter Wonderland has officially begun!  I absolutely cannot wait for the upcoming festivities and get hungry just thinking about our Aggie Turkey Feast that our sweet friend Kristin formulated....well let’s be honest, I am ALWAYS hungry.  However, in order to have time to study my recipe books for Turkey Day, I unfortunately have to study my textbooks for school today.  Thanks and Gig em!

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