Monday, August 9, 2010

Weekend in Austin

First of all I am going to say..Sorry Miss Saxton that I cannot include you in this post today because we were apart this weekend. However, I am very excited for when we are permanently joined at the hip in two weeks or so for a wild year in CStat :)

Friday-I headed southbound to see three of my favorite people boyfriend, Dustin, my grandma, Bobbi and one of my bestest friends Lindsey. After managing to survive a very long friday at work I took off for the ATX. I could not be happier that I survived that drive in my rental Kia Spectra considering the whole car shakes when going 70 mph. I arrived in Austin in one piece around 8 p.m. and was picked up by Dustin for a night with his fam. This consisted of us watching less than 20 minutes of about 5 different of them being Casablanca (the greatest movie of all time according to Hank Weghorst) After everyone went to sleep, Dustin and I went on an ice cream run to Amy's and it was delicious! Then I went back to Bobbi's to hangout with her for a little bit before going to sleep.

Saturday- Dustin and I went for a walk around Lake Austin and boy did we see some interesting people! There was a guy walking around eating peaches and smoking a joint, another guy running wearing girls nike shorts (no was disturbing), the most in shape little 5 year old I've ever seen, and an extremely pregnant lady (we guessed 7 months) pretty much sprinting..Keep Austin Weird i guess!

After, we had lunch at my favorite place to eat in Austin, Thundercloud and went to see Grace, Dustin's little sister, play volleyball. Man, can that girl jump! And she is so strong for being the skinniest one on the team. In celebration, we took her to Whole Foods to get caramel apples, which we were assured by Allen behind the candy counter that they were the best in the entire universe. Turns out they pretty much were so, thanks Allen! He also informed us that he saw Bob Dylan in concert one time and that he was a jerk.. just throwing that out there. (I still love you Bob Dylan)

Around 6, I headed back to Bobbi's to have dinner and bonding time with her. We ate at Abuelo's and watched some "Where are they now?" special on E! about previous Bachelor's which I loved considering I've watched almost every season. Around 10, Dustin picked me up and we went downtown to his friend Hanson's place to hangout before going to 6th Street. It ended up being me and 6 guys (can't say that I really minded) going out..unfortunately I was the only one under 21 so I felt like such a youngin'. I lucked out getting into their favorite bar which is only 21 & up and had such a fun Saturday night! Can't wait til I'm legal and can do that all the time!

Sunday- I got up bright and early to go see Lindsey's new house that she spent all Saturday moving in to. She shares in with 5 other girls and it is darling! I'm so jealous of their huge kitchen and living room. I can't wait to go back and visit again. After spending the morning with Lindsey, I went back over to Dustin's for lunch with their family. I ended up grating carrots for the carrot cake Grace was making (a skill I like to think I have mastered) before we sat down to an amazing home cooked lunch- a rarity at the Meisner household..we're more of a sandwich kind of family. We then headed to the mall to find Grace a white dress for her varsity volleyball pictures. Our Barton Creek Mall damages ended up being: one white dress for Grace, one dress for me, a mall pretzel, a large coke, and Godiva truffles. We also saw the chinese Jbiebs so I'd say it was a very successful outing. By then it was 3 o' clock and I had to head back to Dallas. I said my good-byes at the Weghorst household and met up with Bobbi to get Thundercloud again before I hit the road.

It was a lovely weekend and now I am so excited for my next roadtrip which will be COLLEGE STATION in 9 DAYS! WHOOP! xoxoxo

Countdown Collection.

3 more days of summer school.
3 more history papers to write/1 more history test to pass.
8 more days until the Jack Johnson concert/banana pancakes dinner with Terbs.
9 more days until I am unemployed (voluntarily).
10 more days until I get to visit my momma...unfortunately have to go to Oakie land to do so.
13ish days until I am in my new home away from home: CStat.
16 days until all my favorite Aggies are moved in.
17 days until T-shirt time/Jersey Shore shindig.
20 days until my Sophomore year of college begins.

So much to do in so little time, but I am looking forward to every second!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

My best friend/sister/wife turns 19!

Well hello again world!
Welcome to MY first blogging sesh ever. My co-blogger, Tara Meisner, apparently got a little too wrapped up in herself and failed to mention that she had created our blog so I had to find out about it via Facebook through one of my top creepers, Laura Waters.  All I've got to say it TGIF (Thank goodness I facebook).  I will let Tara's blog selfishness slide only because today was all about her but believe me, our picture will soon be changed.  

I also had a more or less stereotypical Sunday.  Woke up at my dear friend Heather's house after a fun little evening of friends and fun, went to church & brunch with my father and his wife (who will commonly be referred to as my evil stepmother), and then met up with the birthday girl (Tara), her BF (Dustin), and one of our BFFs (Katie) at one of my favorite places on earth, Ikea.  In a single day, I am bound to do at least one stupid thing and today was no different.  After realizing hauling the cart around Ikea was a hassle, I decided to abandon it.  Fast forward about 15 minutes, Ikea is calling my name on the pager.  At first Katie and I thought it was Tara and Dustin just playing a prank on us by announcing their arrival in the most obnoxious way possible, but then I realized that I had abandoned my wallet and keys along with the cart.   Fortunately, Ikea always has my back and my wallet and keys were returned to me safely and soundly.  However, like Tara (who got in wreck & didnt inform me?!), leaving Ikea took a turn for the worst for me as well because of one of my most dreaded activities: family dinner.

I recently went to a psychic at the request of my dear friend Lindsey.  I do not encourage one to take part in such activity unless they want to get a good laugh/ripped off. However that is besides the point.  Hoping that this psychic is incorrect about my future of a husband right out of college and twins shortly thereafter, she was certainly correct when she pointed out that I have a dramatic family.  Anyone that knows me or one of my family members would certainly agree. Tonight, I had the pleasure of going to dinner with my beloved & completely opposite sister (Jennifer), my brother-in-law whom I share a love/hate relationship with(Chris), his wonderful mother & stepfather, my adorable nephew (Carter), and my one-of-a-kind father & stepmother (aka evil stepmother) in honor of the one year anniversary of Jennifer and Christopher's wedding. We were having a pleasant time at Brio until my evil stepmother decided to make a scene.  I lost track of how many times she abruptly left the table to go cry in the bathroom, for reasons unknown to us, but this event has become so common to our family dinners that none of us really reacted...however, the other customers/employees in the restaurant did.  Despite the awkwardness at the dinner table, we managed to get out the restaurant without too many stares & made it home for my favorite part of dinner...dessert!  

Once home, Jennifer and Christopher FINALLY brought out their wedding cake which has been in the freezer for a year now and I made sure to document the event, claiming myself as their own obnoxious paparazzi.  I will admit that the cake tasted surprisingly good for being 365 days old, but I will also admit that saving a piece of my wedding cake until my one year anniversary is one tradition that I will not be participating in.  

After finding any possible procrastination tool (napping/eating, tivo/tv, facebook/general web surfing), I started my weekly history papers and managed to finish before midnight for the first time...ever.  Did I treat myself to another piece of cake for that? You betcha. Fortunately, this blog has served to procrastinate studying for my history test tomorrow but I am sad to say that I think I must say my farewells for the night.

But before I (b)log out (so clever, I know), I would like to reiterate a couple of things.  It was absolutely wonderful seeing my friends & family this weekend and I hope that my co-blogger had just as much fun on her birthday weekend as I did!  Finally a 19 year old...whoop & gig em!
I feel like this the start of a beautiful blog :)

Tara turns 19!

well hello world,
welcome to my first blogging sesh ever! this will actually be a joint blog of two roommates, Jackie & Tara, and all the adventures we encounter during our 3 years of college at Texas A&M. To explain, the name of the blog comes from the combination of Tara and Jackie together (Tacky) and the Hooters slogan obviously came to mind! Have to hand it to my business partner, Katie, for her creativity on that one.

Today, the day Tara was born, was for the most part uneventful, just a stereotypical Sunday. Woke up, went to church, lunch, and then Ikea! It was the first time I, Tara, had been to Ikea. We, meaning Tara and boyfriend, met up with Jackie and Katie, another Aggie, to shop for supplies for our new living areas. It was an excellent experience and I thoroughly enjoyed feeling like I was re-enacting one of my favorite scenes from (500) days of summer. I will definitely be back for more Swedish furniture designs. I mean really... who can resist those pictures? they are awesome and for such a good price! Leaving Ikea really took a turn for the worst, however, when I was rear-ended! on my birthday! The lady was however extremely sorry so I couldn't be too mad. Accidents do happen. We made it home safe and sound and are now just waiting for tomorrow to bring my car into the shop. Hopefully it can get fixed quickly because being without a car can be such a hassle.

After all the commotion, Boyfriend and I went to visit our friend who just moved into a new place in Ft. Worth. It is super cute and it was so good to be able to see him! Then we had dinner with the rents, opened presents, and had chocolate covered strawberries for dessert :) We also took personality tests given by my father and which confirmed how similar we are! Unfortunately he had to leave to drive back to Austin but I had a wonderful weekend with him and all of my friends! Can't wait for college to begin this month. I'm ready for it.